Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Seventh and Eighth month letters

Dear Adu,
You are eight months old today, sweetheart! And, here I am again writing two letters combined in one. Just for records, on your seventh month birthday, you saw 'sea' for the first time. And, going by your smiles and gurgles, you enjoyed the sight! And never before, we enjoyed it as much. But let me begin at the start (of the seventh month).

I can turn the world upside down to get what I want
Month 7: This month you started steering yourself in all directions while lying on your tummy and then rolling in the desired direction. This led you to reach all the corners of the room on your own and grab various objects. I am sure you loved this newly acquired independence and made the most of it. You loved to mouth all elongated objects, the laptop's power cable being your favourite. Your dad doesn't call you Mini Mouse for no reason!

Got it!
Your brain is as busy as ever processing new things and understanding the world. Once, we were watching news while you were playing in your gym. We didn't realize that you were watching the TV too, till we heard you laugh. Well, a stacker piling mineral ore can be amusing only when accompanied by your chuckle. The same can be said for a person coughing. However this month, we did some really amusing things like watching ducks near the pond and hearing the leaves rustle in the breeze. I truly enjoyed those afternoon walks with you.
And then, we went to Wollongong just before your seventh month birthday. That's where you saw the sea, seagulls and a light-house. At the light-house, we requested a lady to take a snap of all three of us together. She clicked it on the count of 'three', which made you squeal with delight. Perhaps, you related it with the game Ritesh plays with you wherein he says 1-2-3 and lifts you up in the air as he shouts 3. You accompanied us to late night dinners, had your meal sitting in the pram and curiously watched the other diners. Afterall, 'breaking the routine' is the most important part of a holiday. So, we all came back very refreshed and relaxed.

Month 8: This month saw you sitting up on your own. And off lately, you have started crawling too, though backwards yet. We go to 'Giggle and Wiggle' in the library every Monday now. And, it is hard to tell if you enjoy listening to the rhymes more or the sight of other pint-sized kids. It is amazing to observe you getting acquainted with the fellow children. And that process involves shaking hands, grabbing at each others' buttons or pulling the shoe laces. You also attended a birthday party this month. And there were lots of novel things to grab your attention. So, when the cake was being cut, you were busy admiring the balloons in the opposite direction. But, that is not to say that you didn't have fun. You played with the other kids in your own way, smiled at people, slept in the car on the way back and generally did us proud!
This month involved a lot of socializing as a prelude to our upcoming India trip. And while Ritesh was busy finishing his work before the month long vacation, you gave me company in shopping for the trip. Yes, now you sit alone at the back of the car. You have discovered quite a few syllables this month. You started with saying 'Pa-pa' of course, then gradually moved on to 'ta-ta', 'na-na' and when in a not so good mood, you say 'ma-ma' too. Honey, keep practicing those vowels and consonents. I can't wait to hear you talk. Fun times ahead...
Happy growing!


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